Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Write Good Headlines

The headline is no doubt the key element in marketing and advertising.

Likewise, it is also the most important factor of any selling message "live or recorded, in person or by phone, audio or video" your company ever uses.

It is the opening sentence or paragraph you use in any sales letter or written communication you ever send out to customers, prospects, suppliers or staff. It's the first words you or your sales people (including in-store clerks, order department or telephone marketers) utter, when they engage anyone in a sales presentation or one-on-one discussion.

Likewise, the "headline," or its "equivalent," are the first phrases you begin your conversation with when a customer or prospect comes in or calls in. It is also the first phrases you state when recording an advertisment or when meeting customers at trade show.

The purpose of a headline is to grab your prospect'sa attention. When I say your prospect, I mean that your headline should zero in on exactly to whom you want to reach your target market. As an example, if you want to reach homeowners, put the word "homeowners" in the headline.

The headline should serve as an advertiment for your ad. It should tell the reader immediately and clearly the essence of what you're trying to say in the body copy. The headline should give the reader a Huge Benefit or Huge Promise. So, create a headline that tells the right people precisely the benefit you're offering them.

When you write or decide upon your headline or it's equivalent, you have spent at least 80 cents out of your dollar. Stated differently, 80% of your outcome-four fifths of your result... all but 20% of the success of your selling effort is effected positively or negatively by how and what you convey in the beginning.

A tweak of headline can make a 20 times improvement in response or acceptance by your customer or prospect of your proposition. Every headline or opening statement should appeal to the prospect's or reader's or listener's self-interest. It would have to promise him or her a powerful, attractive appealing advantage. If possible, try to include "news" value or "educational" value into the headline also.

You may Download a Free copy of the "100 Greatest Headlines Ever Writen" at Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham - and learn how you can use these headlines to improve your copywriting and maximize your sales conversions.

You may get to know more about Jay Abraham the super consultant that charges $5000 an hour whom consulted the famous Anthony Robbins at website Jay Abraham Seminar

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